An exercise by Montse Morales

Click on a number to see a picture and a sentence. Complete the sentences with a suitable word, then click on "Enter". You can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. When you have finished the crossword, click on "Check".
   6      7     
  10        11    
13        14      


3. cultivos.gif They ... vegetables in this land.
4. suelo.gif The ... in this area is very good for agriculture.
5. romper.gif
6. pisar.gif Please, don't ... on the newspaper. I haven't read it yet.
8. tormenta.gif I was scared yesterday because there was a terrible ...
10. saltar.gif Peter likes to ...
13. pajarosm.gif The ... are migrating to warmer countries.
15. agricultor.gif Mr Jameson has recently bought a piece of ...
16. atropellar.gif The car won't stop and it will ... John.


1. caer.gif Jerry is going to ...
2. There is a ... in the street.
4. platanopiel.gif Be careful! There is a banana ... on the floor!
7. dejarcaer.gif Please be careful with tha book. It is very important and I wouldn't like you to ... it.
8. Be careful! The floor is wet and you could ...
9. talar.gif They are going to ... a lot of trees in the forest.
11. viento.gif Yesterday there was a strong ...
12. golpear2.gif You shouldn't ... Pete on his head.
14. jarron.gif This is my favourite ...