Put the verb in the correct tense. Sentences may be of the first or of the second conditonal. Then press "Check".

Janet doesn't like storms. She is ...
- afraid
- scared
- frightened
- grumpy
- locked

Peter expected to get a letter from his friend, but he didn't. He was ...
- grumpy
- disappointed
- embarrassed
- bored

Tom couldn't wait to speak to Mr Smith. He was ...
- grumpy
- amazing
- impatient
- courageous

The children were making a lot of noise. Samuel was very ...
- amazing
- courageous
- enthusiastic
- angry

Liza had nothing to do. She was ...
- excited
- bored
- relieved
- haunted

Daniel saw a poisonous snake. He was ...
- terrified
- courageous
- hopeless
- unenthusiastic

Mrs Johnson is very ... She always says "please" and "thank you".
- grumpy
- brave
- polite
- bossy

Jack has to speak in front of an audience for the first time. He is ...
- polite
- embarrassed
- angry
- bossy

Martin lost all his money in the game. He was ...
- broke
- bossy
- grumpy
- polite

People think that the house has got a ghost. They say it is ...
- locked
- bossy
- haunted
- bored

It is very dangerous to jump through the fire ring, but Johnny is very ...
- brave
- courageous
- polite
- embarrassed